What Does a Nonprofit Board of Directors Do?

All nonprofits need governing boards. Some nonprofits are governed by members and others by local community leaders and interested parties. Some boards are paid for their time, and others are strictly volunteer positions. However your board of directors is structured, these individuals dedicate their time and effort to the nonprofits they lead. These are the folks who make decisions, oversee committees, and assume legal responsibility for organizations fulfilling their missions. If there were no board of directors in place, nonprofits would cease to exist. After all, it’s your board of directors who are there to keep your organization honest and transparent–and working for your cause. They are the first and last line of defense against fraud and the key to expanding your reach into underserved communities.

For most everyday folks, a board’s roles and responsibilities in the world of nonprofits are a mystery. Luckily, GrantWriterTeam is on the case. Join us, as we uncover the truth behind what a nonprofit board of directors does and why.

Nonprofit Board’s Roles & Responsibilities 

  1. Hire a CEO: Perhaps the most important role the board of directors at any nonprofit assumes is the first and final say for who gets the job of leading your organization. They set the pay scale, outline the duties, and set oversight committees in place to ensure compliance with standards.
  2. Financial Oversight: Whether it’s a nonprofit or a for-profit venture, the bottom line matters. In short, financial oversight is a must. It’s up to your board to keep the books transparent. They approve budgets, review financial reports, and ensure that proper controls are in place.
  3. Risk Management: Boards assess and manage risks facing the organization, including financial, operational, legal, and reputational risks. Essentially, they act as your PR firm; they optimize your public brand in order to ensure your organization reaches as many people as possible.
  4. Governance: They establish and oversee governance policies and procedures to ensure the organization operates ethically, legally in line with its mission. A good board leads by example, keeping their own governance transparent as well.
  5. Stakeholder Relations and Fundraising: Boards represent the interests of stakeholders. This includes donors and funders, employees, and the communities they serve. The board of directors maintains a working relationship with each to support mission objectives.

One of the most important responsibilities for many boards is to hire and provide supervision and evaluation of the CEO. When there are paid staff in place, rather than steer the boat by managing day-to-day operations, board members provide foresight, oversight, and insight: think of them as up in the crow’s nest scanning the horizon for signs of storms or rainbows to explore, perhaps with a pot of gold at the end! – National Council of Nonprofits

Does Your Nonprofit Have A Grant Pipeline?

Part of a nonprofit’s board’s job is to secure funding for operation costs and special projects. Donations are a huge part of every nonprofit’s funding plan, However, grants are another fantastic way to secure the funding your nonprofit needs. Grants are competitive, and you will not win every grant you apply for. Always keep applying! While applying for grants is hard work, if you build a grant cycle, you will likely secure the funding you need for your cause. Using the GrantWatch grant database, you can confirm grant eligibility requirements to ensure your organization is applying for relevant grants.

About GrantWriterTeam 

Are you a nonprofit or small business in need of some help? If you are searching for grants but are feeling overwhelmed, hiring a grant writer may be the perfect choice for you! Grant writers thoughtfully grant opportunities and consider the pros and cons of applying and the chance of success. Consider your writer an extension of your organization. They will coach you throughout the entire process and curate the project to fit your needs. Your grant-seeking success is our priority at GrantWriterTeam.

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that grants will be awarded as a result of this information.