Searching for Grants on a Grant Writer’s Team

Working with a team of grant writers

Many grant writers choose to work together on a team. There is a great benefit to this, as there is a coalition of ideas for the grant research and grant writing needed for an organization. Many grant writers that work with GrantWriterTeam work with other grant writers to get the job done. This allows for a quicker process so that the grant writing project is completed in a timely manner. 

Searching for grants

GrantWatch is one of the sources in which grant writers complete their grant research. GrantWatch allows grant writers to view and filter through grants in an efficient matter based on the recipient of a particular organization (Nonprofit, for-profit, etc.), the location, and the type of funding source (Federal government, local government, private organizations). One may also search by the many categories of grants available, such as – arts and culture, social justice, community services, etc.

Multi-User License

When grant writers work together on a team, it is helpful to allow all grant writers on the team to have access to the grant database. Therefore, it is imperative to apply for a multi-user license with GrantWatch. This will allow you and your team access to GrantWatch under one payment plan. 

Multi-User Options

There are several different multi-user options. If the users are in the same building using the same IP address, a multi-user license can be created for a specific IP address. Organizations will be provided with a specific URL (link) that will provide site-wide access when a user clicks the link within the proximity of the WIFI using the same or multiple or a proxy IP address, provided to GrantWatch by the subscribing organization. 

However, if the users are working from their home or office – a multi-user account can be created with a login of a username and password. This can particularly be helpful during these times, where many employees are working from home due to the Covid-19 circumstances.

The multiple-user license can be created for 3-400 users. The cost varies depending on the number of users that are expected to use the account. 

Applying for a multi-user license may be a game-changer to your team of grant writers.